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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 22, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> reporter: and it's going to be a busy and slippery morning commute. you've got to be ready for it. we'll have what you need to know. i'm arturo santiago. we're talking about potential gusts of 50 to 60 miles per hour. slick conditions and a lot more rain on the way. we'll take you to your full forecast. and i'm anthony slaughter in for mike inouye this morning. we're talking about a sloppy commute but so far so good. we'll have your full traffic report coming up with a live report in just minutes. let's take a live look in the south bay, all quiet by the hp pavilion. we've got your day's news on this monday, october 22nd. this is "today in the bay." it is 5:00. very good monday morning. i'm jon kelley. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. let's get right to the weather center and meteorologist christina loren this morning.
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she's tracking the wind and rain for us. a lot going on. >> yeah, there is a lot going on. we told you about this on friday but we were not expecting to get hammered quite this hard this early so let's go ahead and take it right to the live radar. you can see from ft. bragg all the way down to san jose getting steady rainfall. but as i zoom in for you and stop the radar sweeps, you can see right now this is realtime. it's not quite as daunting as it looks when we loop that radar. it's going to get a lot worse as we head through the next few hours. i'm expecting the worst weather between 7:00 and 10:00. right now you're getting hit pretty hard north of the golden gate bridge right now, especially along the marin county coastline. in addition to the wet weather and heavy downpours, we are expecting very gusty winds as welch could force downed trees. we already have power outages. i know you guys are reporting on that so we'll keep you posted all morning long. give yourself plenty of time.
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let's check on those roads with anthony slaughter. >> we are still watching the san mateo bridge. traffic moving along very smoothly. we also want to take you to the traffic maps and you can see for yourself we have lots of accidents around the bay bridge but nothing actually causing slowdowns on the bay bridge itself. but as you approach the bay bridge this morning, just keep in mind there are going to be pockets of construction that are wrapping up, even right on 880. you can see on our fremont camera, things moving along smoothly into the southbound area so no problems to report on just yet. we talked about that patience. you're going to need it but not yet. >> thank you very much. we know the monday morning commute, anthony, never easy. today's rain and wind makes it even harder but there's one silver lining for some drivers this morning. arturo santiago found it this morning. the san mateo bridge reopened about a half hour ago. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, laura. this is one of those mornings where commuters will want to leave earl to get to work or
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school but we're anticipating the weather will have a definite impact on the morning rush hour drive. the san mateo bridge did just reopen a few minutes ago after being closed all weekend long for retrofit work. this is a good example of what to expect on the roads and bridges when the wind and rain does start to pick up. since this is the first significant rain to fall in quite a while, it's going to mix with all the grime and oil that's accumulated and that makes for slippery conditions. add to that winds and driving can get extremely dicey. we'll keep repeating it. be extra cautious, be patient and leave plenty of room between you and other vehicles. just in the last few minutes, we started to see the traffic volume start to pick up so again it's probably a good idea to leave early and be careful. live in hayward, i'm arturo santiago, "today in the bay." >> we will have continuing coverage of the severe weather and any power outages and traffic problems all morning long right here on nbc bay area
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and you can send in your videos and news tips. follow us on twitter or like us on facebook. of course bay area baseball fans will be hoping the weather will cooperate as the giants get set for today's monumental ball game. it is the decisive game seven against st. louis. giants win and they're headed to the world series. >> we wore our orange on purpose today. comcast sportsnet john henry smith live at at&t park where it all ends tonight. good morning, john henry. >> reporter: good morning. >> there you go. >> reporter: we're ready for a heck of a win tonight for these guys. we know these giants. when the going gets tough, these giants get going. last night the giants won their fifth elimination game of the postseason and, hey, if they win in tonight's pivotal game seven, they'll not only tie the major league record for most postseason wins, but -- postseason elimination game wins
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but also punch their ticket to the world series. ryan vogelsong last night was lights out. a career high 9 strikeout is a career high 9 strikeout itriky giving up one run. he got all the run support he needed in i believe the fourth inning. mr. dependable, marco scutaro, the two out, two-run double. vogie and pablo sandoval also knocked in runs. the giants forced tonight's game seven. angel pagan said this team has guts. >> we don't give up. we're a tough team. we've got good mentality, we're hungry and like i said, we're not ready to go home. >> the same thing four and five -- or five, six or seven, we lose and go home. i think now we have two teams in the same boat, so it's going to be an intense game. you know, you're going to see two teams go out and give it everything they have got. >> reporter: the pressure is
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squarely on the cardinals tonight. you think about the last seven teams who had been up 3-1 in the series and then lost the next two to face a pivotal game seven, of those teams, those teams have lost five of those seven games. again, pressure squarely on the cardinals. matt cain will try to make that six losses for teams giving up a 3-1 lead. game time tonight, first pitch just after 5:07 p.m. from here. right now, a soggy at&t park but i'm sure mother nature will cooperate and give us better weather later on for game seven. from at&t park, i'm john henry smith, back to you. >> all right, john henry, thank you very much. they're hoping later tonight it will be soggy because of the champagne. across the bay area we've got a little bit of everything. get ready for sky-high ticket sales ahead of tonight's winner take all ball game. >> christie smith joins us now
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with the latest. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura an jon. i bet there are giants fans still celebrating from last night's win or getting ready to celebrate that's going to happen tonight. and why not? just what an incredible game. the giants took a commanding lead and would not let go. i was reading about this online. apparently there was a guy out here in a full body panda suit bumping fists with other giants fans and why not, celebrating the 6-1 win over the cardinals, forcing game seven. fans so excited about ryan vogelsong. inside and outside at&t park the excitement was absolutely electric. fans say this is what the team does best. they come back when their back is against the wall. >> go, giants! >> i'm totally pumped. i wore my lucky hat and lucky pair of pants. >> reporter: and it worked. >> it's up and down. >> torture. again, pure torture. >> reporter: now, for tonight's
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game there are still some tickets up for grabs on stubhub this morning starting about $132. that's for standing room only. up to about $10,000 to get up close and personal if you have that kind of dough. now, this is kind of interesting. they have even got a category for world series tickets up on stubhub if it gets that far starting at $350 for standing room only. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> all right, thank you very much. a lot of money to pay to stand in the rain. it is a big ball game, though. moving on, it is 5:08. jury deliberations starting today in the murder trial of michelle le. jurors deciding if gisele esteban is guilty of first-degree murder. she stands accused of killing le back in may of 2011. prosecutors say he planned the death for months for wrecking a relationship with an old boyfriend. ross mirkarimi is trying to reconcile with mayor ed lee, but
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his attempts have been met with silence. in a letter last month to mayor ed lee, mirkarimi asked for a meeting to discuss issues concerning the department. he also asked for help mending fences with the anti-domestic violence community. lee has not responded to the letter. instead, he's meeting with anti-domestic violence advocates on his own. 5:09. today's fashion will include rain slickers, umbrellas and big water boots. >> rubber boots. you remember that from the 11:00 on friday. good morning to you. because we were talking about these showers 72 hours ago. we told you they were coming and they have arrived right on time. the heaviest downpours along the marin county coastline. we've got a pretty good batch bull's-eyeing the peninsula the next 25 to 30 minutes. we'll track that for you in addition to the very, very heavy rain at times, we've got some gusty winds at times.
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where you get the pink and reds, that's very, very high wind speeds. 40 to 60-mile-per-hour gusts are going to be possible and that's just after your morning commute subsides so really take it easy out there. it's not going to be a great morning for a drive. as we head through the overnight hours, we'll see the winds relax and back to the low end of the key. so the moral of the story is don't get caught in the storm. let's find out how your drive is shaping up so far. good morning. >> keep those hands on the wheel this morning with those strong winds. definitely don't want to get off guard of the one of though mornings you just go on auto play and just go. focus this morning. let's start you off with the bay bridge and show you what's happening. you can see things are moving along smoothly but there's construction going along in this location and also an accident on 580 westbound at harrison, so as the morning starts to pick up, just keep in mind there will be more cars on the road and you'll have to pay more attention with an extra shot of coffee in your
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cup. 880 southbound more construction. let's get you to the south bay. things are starting to pick up but no major incidents to report on. we just had an accident on 101 southbound. otherwise we'll keep you posted as the morning goes on. >> it's 5:11. school buses, they're supposed to get your kids to school safely but some may not be in top condition. an investigative unit report coming up. plus a very, very busy week in business from a new operating system to something new from apple and all eyes on yahoo!. we'll take a look coming up. ♪
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♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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welcome back, 5:13 right now. brace yourselves for a busy week in the business world. scott mcgrew, let's get right to it. >> good morning. a new operating system from microsoft, the feds meeting, google will show off new phones. that's all ahead.
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plus this afternoon we'll hear from sunnyvale's yahoo! as it opens its books to investors. that will happen right after the stock markets close. lots of pressure on this woman, new ceo marissa mayer. though if numbers are bad, we'll give her one last get out of jail card because the numbers will reflect yahoo!'s earnings july through september and she didn't take over till mid-july. then you have apple tomorrow showing off a you ipad or at least that's what everybody expects. it's prospebeen more than 200 d since ipad unveiled a new ipad. so lots of things for the markets to think about. let's turn to bertha coombs live at cnbc world headquarters. a rough day friday. >> reporter: yeah, very rough day friday. we actually have the futures pointing higher this morning. on friday, though, it was a blood bath. investors reacting to disappointing housing data and disappointing earnings from microsoft and other dow components like mcdonald's. the markets still ended
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relatively unchanged when you look at it for the week. no economic data on tap at that, but we will get reports this week on new home sales, durable goods, consumer sentiment, third quarter gdp and the fed begins a two-day meeting tomorrow. we just got some numbers from caterpillar, not great there. they did beat on the bottom line. their revenues were a little shy. their outlook also lower than expected. the ceo on squawk box this morning saying still a lot of uncertainty when it comes to the global economy. the dow will start the day at 13,343 coming off a 305-point drop. the nasdaq losing 67 to 3005. hopefully this week all of the reports will come in when they're supposed to and we won't get another one of those crazy ones like we did with google. >> yeah, google on thursday not only releasing their numbers early but they weren't very good numbers on top of that, so really, really threw people off. >> we'll check back with you.
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thanks so much, scott. >> the market rough on friday but things started to percolate. it's monday. giants are back in it, weather is going crazy. >> gas prices coming down. >> there we go. >> and it's monday, all on a monday. good morning to you. yeah, grab your umbrella, you might have to dig it out of the closet this morning but you will need it today. you'll be happy you did so. 56 degrees in livermore to start. we're at 52 in gilroy, headed towards a very cool day, only expecting temperatures to end up in the low 60s across the board so break out that jacket as well. doppler radar points a very bad picture. you can see, though, lots of snow coming down in tahoe. 6500-foot snow level for now. that's going to drop off after the cold front comes through. we are still on the warm side of the front. after this comes through it is going to drop off and you'll need your heater sometime over the course of the next three days. right now we zoom in and she you where the showers are the heaviest. we did tell you about this batch
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of rain starting to push along the peninsula. san mateo get ready for heavy downpours the next 15 minutes. we'll track these storm systems for you all morning long. 63 in livermore, 60 in fremont tod today. just 59 in san jose and 60 degrees in san francisco with on and off showers. the heaviest moisture coming down the first part of today. as we get into tomorrow i think we'll see another wave of moderate moisture come down as we get into the first part of your tuesday. as we get through wednesday, some on and off spotty activity. by thursday we'll clear you out, bring that sunshine back out and temperatures will creep up but only into the mid-70s by this weekend. nonetheless, you can feel free to plan those outdoor plans. we will take an in-depth look at your giants forecast because there will be showers around at&t park at first pitch so stay tuned for that. anthony slaughter is in the house tracking your drive. good morning to you. >> good morning, christina. cardinals and giants getting ready to go. i'm from st. louis, so yes. >> hey, hey!
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>> i won't say it. i've got on my orange. i'm rooting for the giants. let's talk about the traffic. you can see behind me traffic is starting to move along smoothly in the south bay. no reports of accidents but let's take you to the san mateo bridge and you can see for yourself traffic is moving smoothly there as all of those headlights -- what are the color of those, laura, red? >> no, those are orange. >> let's look at these other traffic maps, maybe they have red on it. you can see on other traffic maps approaching 80 across the bay bridge, no major accidents but there are a few pockets of slowdowns as there have been some collisions that are starting to get cleared to the side of the road so as you approach the bay bridge this morning with your orange on, make sure that you use caution. >> you've got to remember this is giants territory, mr. i'm from st. louis. thanks so much. it's 5:18. school bus safety is an important issue and that's the responsibility of the california highway patrol. this morning an eye-opening
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investigation. bu bus drivers reporting problems ignored by the chp. tony has discovered the breakdown. >> reporter: here's the issue. two veteran bus drivers were concerned with buses breaking down and not getting fixed. they risked their paychecks and careers. now we want to know why the chp didn't hear their calls for help. >> was there an accident or something? >> broke down. >> we had one day where we had six to seven breakdowns in one morning shift. >> reporter: you can hear the frustration in his voice. >> buses that wouldn't work? >> buses that would not work. >> my bus leaks massive and the brakes are going out right now and every time i take it in for maintenance, they tell me woe ain't got the parts. >> reporter: you can see the frustration in her face.
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two dedicated bus drivers speaking out, concerned buses are breaking down too often. >> it's about time durham is put on notice, hey, fix it or get it off the road. >> reporter: durham bus services is the second largest bus provider in the country, providing buses for several bay area school districts. >> when you have bus drivers going in front of a television camera to say that their buses are concerning, they're not being repaired when they should, is that a problem? >> yes. in some instances it can be a problem. >> reporter: the california highway patrol inspects all buses in the state. it's responsible for bus safety and the safety of students. >> you have bus drivers come out public low concerned about the condition of the buses they drive every day. has the california highway patrol investigated their claims? >> have we done an investigation specific to one persons
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complaint? >> several bus drivers. >> not that i'm aware of. >> reporter: and ultimately that's the issue. why has the california highway patrol ignored the concerns of veteran school bus drivers? durham bus services continues to point to the fact that it has passed its most recent inspections with the chp. tonight at 11:00, our nbc bay area investigation will take you inside the conflict, raising critical questions president performance of the california highway patrol. in the newsroom. coming up, "saturday night live" taking on the most recent presidential debate and doing it like they know how.
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good monday morning to you. it is early, 5:23, but they are getting things set up in boca raton, florida, already.
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tonight's final presidential debate taking place at six:00 where the two candidates go head to head. it will be a good one to watch. thousands of bay area soccer fans helping the san jose earthquakes kicking off their new home. more than 6200 fans helped the team yesterday during ground-breaking ceremonies in san jose. the guinness world record book holders say it smashed previous records. construction of the 18,000-seat stadium is scheduled to be complete by 2014. that second presidential debate getting more air time over the weekend. this time on snl. a fiesty president obama and mitt romney duking it out in front of a raucous new york crowd. we have a little snippet for you, it's good stuff, when they made light of the moment when moderator candy crowley fact checked romney on whether the president used that phrase "act of terror." shortly after the september 11th benghazi attack. >> i am willing to bet here and
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now that you have never in your life even once used the phrase "terrorist act." >> get the transcript. get it. >> governor, he has in fact used the phrase "terrorist act." >> candy, no. no, no, no. candy, come on. >> i'm afraid he did. >> candy, please. candy. >> oh, that's how they do it. well, the skit -- that's good stuff. the skit also featured a surprise appearance by, yes, tom hanks, an undecided voter there. you can watch tonight's third presidential debate. hanks looks pretty good. it will be tonight laura told us at 6:00. >> the real one. and then "saturday night live" will bow fantastic this weekend. >> tom hanks was on it a couple of tiles. what about the show when it comes to weather?
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>> good morning to you, jon and laura. this is what greets you before you walk out that front door. just be advised it's been raining overnight and we have heavier downpours on the way. it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. the front is going to take its time getting to the south bay so we're still a few hours away from steady rainfall coming down here. there's a cell located right over pacifica. 34 minutes away from burlingame. that means slick conditions. give yourself ample time. anthony is already tracking a couple of things. >> as you mentioned, that rain coming down and we're starting to see heavier bands push back into the region so now is the time to use caution. this is 101. you can see moving smoothly but we do have an accident on the southbound lane at mckey and that's the only accident that's southbound. let's go ahead and take you out to san mateo and you can see the bridge is open so you have no issue if you take that bridge.
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also the bay bridge, you can see traffic moving smoothly but as you know this is the time when things start to get a little slow in that specific location. otherwise, no major accidents. i'll keep you posted. it's 5:27. still to come on "today in the bay" a new request from some of the victims of the san bruno blast. what they plan to ask the government to do today.
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new this morning, a fire in the east bay injuring one firefighter. we'll have the latest details coming up next. >> reporter: and we are waiting on that wet weather here in the south bay. good morning, i'm marla tellez. we'll take a look at your morning commute and tell you what you need to know to stay safe coming up. >> yeah, we've got a lot of rain on the way to the bay area. right now parts of the north bay getting hammered in addition to the rain. we'll detail it all in your full forecast. you can see the san mateo bridge open and moving all
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along. we'll have a full traffic report coming up in just minutes. in the meantime, taking a live look outside waiting for the sun's arrival on this monday, october 22nd. this is "today in the bay." good morning, everybody. always a pleasure to have you along for the ride. it is 5:30. i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. a wet and windy start to the week. let's get right to meteorologist christina loren who says the worst of it will actually be coming down during this morning's commute. >> not just the morning commute, we're talking rush hour, so you really want to be advised it's slick out there, it's been raining overnight. i want to show you this wide view and show you how tahoe is shaping up. lots of snow coming down. it's actually going to be quite interesting to see all the snow over the higher elevations before all is said and done. we'll be dealing with this wet pattern basically today, tomorrow and clear out a little
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bit on wednesday. it's slick out there, it's been raining for a while and we have moderate to heavy pockets. look at this, over benicia where you know it notoriously gets very windy. they're also getting very wet at this point. give yourself lots of time in that neck of the woods. still tracking this batch of rain heading towards burlingame. we've got more on the way. looks like the heaviest will come down as we get into 7:00 to 10:00. we'll let you know how this will work out for the giants game tonight. first let's check your drive at 5:31 and see how that looks with anthony slaughter. >> the san mateo bridge is open this morning. as you can see from our camera behind me. you can say also we do have appear accident on 580 near harrison and that is slowing things majorly in the westbound direction as you head towards the bay bridge and also keep in mind construction is wrapping up on 880 southbound and the northbound side heading out of oakland down into the east bay
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and anywhere down in the south bay. really as we get to the south bay, it is smooth but there is an accident 101 south at mckey. that has been cleared but slow going as you approach that scene. otherwise, no major issues here. as anthony just told us, the commute is picking up and the weather mplaying a big-time rol in your commute. marla tellez is live in san jose with more details on all the rain that's been soaking the bay area. marla, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jon. well, good news if you are in the south bay. now's the time to head out the door because the soaking has not hit the south bay just yet. if you leave now, you can going to enjoy some dry conditions and smooth conditions as the morning commuters here are doing. the headlights are northbound 280 near the 87 interchange. traffic is light and at the limit. the roads for the most part are dry. as you heard christina just say, this is going to change. the bulk of the storm is set to arrive between 7:00 and 10:00 this morning. so if that's during your drive
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time, be prepared for rainy and gusty conditions. this means allow yourself some extra time. be a defensive driver. do not follow the vehicle ahead of you too closely. and another tip, if the roadway you are on starts to flood, if you can stay toward the middle lanes because water tends to pool in the outside lanes. something you may not think about is that adverse weather conditions cause more than 450,000 injury accidents in this country every year. this is according to the u.s. department of transportation. you certainly do not want to become a statistic so take it slow this morning. live in san jose, marla tellez, "today in the bay." 5:33. new this morning, investigators are on the scene of a house fire that sent an oakland firefighter to the hospital with minor injuries. the fire was reported just after 2:00 this morning on the 2200 block of high street near fairfax avenue. the home is abandoned, but investigators say arson may be to blame. one firefighter suffered minor
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injuries to his leg fighting that fire. the home was destroyed in the plays. residents and relatives of the victims of the deadly pg&e pipeline explosion in san bruno this morning calling for the appointment of a new california public utilities commission president. that group holding a news conference today calling for michael peevy to be ousted by governor jerry brown. they claim peevy is oversympathetic to pg&e and has failed the residents of san bruno and put other californians at risk. eight people were killed and more than 50 hurt in the september 2010 explosion. new this morning, it all comes down to tonight. the giants forcing a game seven with the cardinals. >> that is right. comcast sportsnet's john henry smith is live at at&t park soaking up the magic right now. that is where matt cain will take the hill for the giants tonight. john henry, this is where it all goes down. good morning, my man. >> reporter: you had to say soaking up as wet as it is out
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here, no pun intended, i'm sure. i'll tell you what, when it's a game seven with the world series on the line, of course you want your ace pitcher on the mound. the giants certainly feel they have that tonight in the man who pitched the perfect game this season and the man who was so huge for this team back in the 2010 world series. that man of course is matt cain. and while cain's history has been stellar, his recent history not so much. cain has dropped two of his three starts in the postseason and he's logged a sort of inflated 4.87 e.r.a. over that span. his -- he wasn't that bad in game three giving up three runs in 6 2/3 innings. hey, his teammates believe in him and also believe in the resolve of this bunch to get the job done tonight. >> i don't really want to go home yet. there's not another team that wants to go home. we believe in ourselves and
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believe we deserve to be in this position so why not keep fighting. why not play for the guy next to us for another day. it's been an unbelievable ride so far. >> reporter: cain will try to keep the giants streak of outstanding starting pitching alive. absolutely they have given up one run, ryan vogel song and barry zito. tonight matt cain and kyle loesh go at it. first pitch i5:is 5:15. from at&t posh, i'm john henry smith, nbc bay area news. across the bay area all kinds of things going on. celebrations, some of that sweet torture but the giants fans are used to it and the sky-high ticket sales. wait until you hear this for that winner-take-all game. >> you want to go but have to pay the price. christie smith joins us now with the latest.
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>> reporter: good morning to you, laura and jon. you know, fans still celebrating this morning and still tweeting about that amazing win last night. i was reading some of them online this morning. a couple say monday morning great action even with the rain as long as you have a giants win. one of the other ones going out this morning, the forecast today slightly cloudy with 100% chance of cain. of course referring to tonight's pitching lineup with matt cain after a stunning and commanding win against st. louis forcing game seven. inside at&t park the crowd was on its feet. it was loud. outside fans absolutely loving this team. ryan vogelsong, pablo sandoval, the giants fans feeling great as the game wrapped up, 6-1 giants on top. >> i'm totally pumped, it's great. game seven, ready for tomorrow. >> are you ready? >> let's go, giants! >> they're going to win tomorrow night, no problem. world series coming. >> giants won, game seven tomorrow.
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whoo! >> game seven, how many times does it happen in your life? tomorrow is going to be the day. ready to go. >> reporter: and for tonight's game, tickets still available. $10,000 if you can swing it on the high end. this is available on stubhub this morning. on down to $132 for standing room only. the way these games are going, just about every seat is standing room only. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> always another option for this game seven, chill out a home, have a cold beverage, sit on that lazy-boy. >> keep dry too. let's check in with christina loren because that rain making for a messy commute. >> let's talk about the good side of the rain coming down in the bay area. that means snow in blue canyon. right now we still have a mix of snow and rain, down to 5,000 feet. but you have chain requirements issued i-80 all the way one mile
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east in placer county to truckee. we see the snow levels drop off through the morning hours. i want to show you truckee on the radar right now. yes, i know, skiers and snowboarders salivate at the sight of this. we want to keep you on task and that's getting to work safely, especially if you're taking the little ones with you. we've got a lot of rain over the greater bay area. right now we're tracking a pretty significant batch. 18 minutes away from mull ford, 24 minutes from san leandro. highs today are going to be cool enough warranting a jacket all day long. 63, that's it in livermore. 60 in san francisco. and i don't even think we'll break out of the 50s here in san jose. so sweater weather has returned to the bay area. it's going to be nice and cool the next couple days and we'll talk more about what's going to happen as this front comes through. it's going to get very active. very gusty winds headed our way. it's going to get worse before it gets better and we will time it out to your doorstep.
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speaking of which, if you've got to get out the door, anthony is here to help you out. >> sounds like chilly weather. maybe get some clam chowder and cuddle up on the couch. we are talking about traffic issues right near the bay bridge. you can see on our traffic maps 580 at harrison, that on-ramp still dealing with a slow go. so as you approach the bay bridge from 580, this is right near lake meriden, use caution. the south bay all grown with a few spots of yellow which means a few typical slowdowns. no other major issues. we'll keep you posted. the time is 5:40. coming up, the final presidential debate just about 12 hours away. we'll let you know what you can expect to see coming up in a live report. and you've heard of fantasy football leagues. what about a fantasy sex league? this morning the scandal that's rocked a prominent east bay high school.
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welcome back, everyone. a good monday morning to you. 5:43. last-minute preparations under way for tonight's third and final presidential debate. the sight, boca raton, florida. the focus, foreign policy. today in the bay's tracie potts joins us live on capitol hill this morning with the very latest. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. this is going to look a bit different than what we saw last week and two weeks before that. they will be seated, speaking not correctly with the audience but engaging the moderator for six 15-minute segments on a number of different topics. israel, iran, the afghanistan war, china and trade and sanctions with iran and also a couple of segments on the middle east. they'll spend at least 30 minutes, assuming they don't go over, on hot topics in the middle east. we saw more violence in lebanon and libya over the weekend. those expected to be big topics there. now, what are the candidates doing to prepare?
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president obama has been at camp david doing his final debate preparations there. governor romney took a football break over the weekend while he was getting ready to face off with the president. and speaking of face-off, the latest polls are showing us this one is tight. a 47% tie among likely voters in the latest nbc/wall street journal poll. that one the president was leading five percentage points just last month in that very same measure. now we're in a tie. he's still got a bit of a lead among registered voters, but likely voters, those who say they're going out, it's a dead heat right now. laura. >> time to go out and register as well. nbc bay area has live coverage of the presidential debate for you. you can see it right here tonight at 6:00. tune in an hour earlier for your local night low news and of course we'll have your full wrap-up tonight at 11:00 and all the highlights and lowlights tomorrow morning here on "today in the bay." if you thought you had a bad couple of weeks it probably pales in comparison to lance
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armstrong. he's learned less than an hour ago he will be stripped of all tour de france titles that once made him a racing legend in cycling. cycling's international governing body making that decision at a press conference this morning in switzerland. that decision will now allow the tour de france organizers to officially remove armstrong's name from all their record books. the u.s. anti-doping agency says it will not be appealing the ruling. that is the agency that initially issued this report that accused him of leading that massive doping program for his racing team. 5:45. the race is on to get some of the pieces of the meteor that streaked across the bay area sky on wednesday. today's rain could actually wash away some of the important clues into history. a novato woman found a piece at her home on friday. a nasa scientist now studying that golf ball-size piece. he said there may be more. the largest pieces may have fallen in sonoma. he said they could uncover some
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important clues into the history of our southeasterly system and more. >> it will be really interesting to study this and see what it can tell us. either about the origin of the earth or the origin of life on the earth. >> he said if you're searching for the meteor, to look for objects with a burnt black or gray finish. >> you know what it's probably going to bring back, remember the pet rock? how about the pet meteor. just in foil wrapped up. christina loren here. you've had a very busy morning, bracing us for a lot to come. >> yeah, it is storming out there. i want to make sure everybody is aware if you're just joining us, it's been raining overnight and we've got a lot more on the way. let's talk about what we're watching right now, some really gusty winds out there. from novato to oakland we've got sustained wind speeds in excess of 17 miles per hour and that's going to continue to be a factor as we head through your morning commute, so keep that in mind.
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downed trees are also a possibility as the ground is getting very saturated from this frontal passage. it's going to take its time but look at what's behind the front. all these spotty clouds are an indication of a very cold air mass. you can actually see just how far that jetstream has dipped to the south ushering in very cold days all the way through about wednesday. so right now your realtime doppler radar shows you where that front is from vallejo to san francisco, getting some heavy rain. really the mission district getting hit the hardest. as woe head through the next half hour, this is going to be the case. right now the south bay has been nice and dry. your going to get hit right in the heart of rush hour. today's highs work out like this. you'll be at about 60 in san francisco, 59 in san jose and 63 degrees in livermore. 63 degrees down in santa teresa. as we get through this week, it's going to be kind of cool until friday. finally the 70s return. up to 75 by saturday, 77 sunday,
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nice conditions. stick with us, we'll be tracking these cells as they move onshore all morning long. you want to keep that in mind. it's going to be a rough, rough commute. but anthony slaughter is here with a smile to help you out in that department. >> make it a little easier for you. come on. we don't have any major accidents to report on but the san mateo bridge is open so if you haven't planned on using it, you can reroute your morning commute. let's take you outside to the bay bridge. things are starting to bog down there, so one bridge is starting to get a little slow this morning. your other option is the foster city cam shows the san mateo bridge that we're looking at, smooth conditions for the most part. with the high winds, keep both hands on the wheel. a couple of accidents on 580 at harrison. that's continued to remain very slow approach the bay bridge. also the altamont pass really starting to slow down. we're talking about speed
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sensors only going 20 to 30 miles per hour so it's a slow go heading in from the east bay but otherwise no major accidents to report on this morning. back to you. it's 5:49. a fantasy game involving students and sex from a prominent east bay high school are having real-life consequences. the principal at piedmont high school sent a letter to parents saying some varsity athletes created a fantasy slut league to chart their sexual experiences. it's apparently been an open secret for students for more than five years. it was discovered during a recent freshman assembly on date rape prevention. >> from what i've been told, two guys have a team of two girls and when girls like hook up with guys, they get more points and then i think the winning team is with the girls who hook up with the most people. >> the league apparently started as a private group on facebook. the principal has assured parents the league has been put to a stop, but at this point it
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does not appear any of the students are going to face disciplinary action because all the activity is said to have happened off campus. it is 5:50 right now. coming up, "saturday night live" doing what it does best, mocking the presidential action going on. they made fun of the east bay's pandora and i'm not going to show it to you and i'll explain why coming up in business news.
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welcome back, everybody. this is a live look at at&t park and it all comes down to this.
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an entire baseball season for the giants going down to one final game, taking on the cardinals tonight in game seven of the national league championship series. to the victor goes the spoils. the winner heads to the world series. the loser goes on vacation. go, giants! it is 5:53 right now. the third presidential debate goes off tonight but people still talking about that second debate and that includes "saturday night live." these guys know how to get down with this. president obama and mitt romney taking jabs on taxes and jobs. they nearly came to blows actually interrupting each other. romney in the mood to do some scrapping noting the president's salary. >> by the way, what's your salary as president. >> $400,000 a year. what's it to you? >> yeah, that's what i pay my cab. now why don't you sit down before i beat you to death with my paycheck. >> gentlemen, please, let's try to keep this civil. >> well, he started it, you know. >> they are so sharp with that. you can watch tonight's
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real-life third presidential debate right here on nbc bay area starting at 6:00 tonight. >> snl and host bruno mars also poked fun at the east bay's pandora. scott mcgrew, tech industry pretty constant on the show lately. >> last week it was the apple iphone 5. music licensing, you can watch the spoof of the debate but not bruno mars, not on hulu because mars was singing other people's songs on "saturday night live." internet rights to those songs would be very expensive so you won't see it online legally. just ask pandora how expensive they are. to real tech news, this is the new windows. microsoft will release windows 8 later this week. the biggest change to the pc operating system since 1995 and windows 95. it uses tiles making computers look more like tablets. you know it's a busy week in business and technology when a
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complete renovation of the world's most popular operating system is just one bit of news. here's a calendar for you. this afternoon yahoo! reports profits. tuesday, apple announces yet another ipad. facebook announces profits. wednesday, the fed concludes its important fomc meeting. thursday apple reports profits. friday, you get the new surface from microsoft and the tablet goes on sale. gee, that will be gadget friday too. >> wow, you've got a busy week ahead. >> we'll see you a little later on. christina loren is keeping tabs on that forecast for today and the week. >> we've got a lot of weather right now during the heart of your morning commute so we want to make sure you are well aware of it. take a look at all this rain. we have a really strong front that's draped from san francisco to sacramento. you can vividly see it. it's pushing onshore. still really nothing happening down in the south bay. as it pushes onshore, it creates
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a great deal of instability. right now we're tracking some pretty thick pockets of rain all the way from san francisco down to south san francisco. watch out for slick conditions on 101 and 280. we'll take you down to the south bay. expecting our first showers in the silicon valley area the next hour. 59 minutes away from palo alto at this point. 50 minutes away from menlo park and atherton and 43 minutes away from woodside. that means very slick conditions right in the heart of our morning drive. hey, if you listen to us, stick with us, you'll beat all that traffic. anthony knows what could slow you down. >> yeah, speaking of traffic, we are starting to see that slowdown right around bay bridge. we don't have any major accidents around it right now, but the metering lights have been turned on so, yeah, you can see things are really starting to bog down. that's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza this morning and also our maps are starting to show 580 eastbound at harrison, that accident has been cleared. we've got the thumbs up from that specific location. also the altamont pass starting to slow down just a little bit
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as you come in from livermore. in the south way there is an accident 280 pbd on the lawrence expressway parkway. there was a car fire there so allow a little extra time or try to avoid that area altogether. 5:57. the weather also causing some major power outages. we'll have an update coming up. and right now a live look, i believe that is over san jose. that is beautiful out there before the sun comes up. it looks like it might be changing quickly. meteorologist christina loren says brace yourselves for some heavy rain and heavy winds. we'll have more coming up after this. good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats
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that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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one win away. the giants get their final shot to make it to the world series. we'll have live team coverage of all of it just ahead. plus banned for life. the crucial decision that is wiping lance armstrong's name from the record books. and a firefighter injured a


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